Potential Energy: The Politics of Energy in Scotland
Potential Energy focuses on the issue of energy in Scotland. The referendum for Scottish Independence brought together a range of progressive voices in the campaign, united by a desire to seize independence in order to build a fairer Scotland, but within this movement existed deep ideological divisions. Arguably none of these divisions was so pronounced as those surrounding the future of Scottish energy. While saw independence as an opportunity to use oil revenues to finance more socially just policies, others recognised that in the face of climate change most of Scotland’s oil must stay in the ground. In the early months of 2015 nowhere have these divisions been more apparent than with the debate around unconventional fossil fuels and fracking.
Potential Energy looks to address these issues head on. The contributions hopes to provide a stinging critique of Scotland’s addiction to fossil fuels, as well as offering some perspectives on what a cleaner future might look like.
ISBN: 978-0-9930004-1 -6
Format: Softback
Pages: 108
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm