Our Land, Our Future
£3.00 / On Sale
Since the dawn of civilisation the relationship between land and people has played a fundamental role in shaping the trajectory of societies the world over. However, in the twenty-first century there is a tendency to view land as an issue consigned to the pages of history. After all, in a world of smartphones, the internet and globalised markets, why should we care about land?
In this volume, a collaboration between the Post Collective and the Scottish Land Action Movement, we hope to answer this question by showing that the ownership, use and governance of land lies at the root of some of the most significant economic, social and environmental challenges of our time.
Contributions include:
1. Our House of Cards: Land and the Post-Industrial Ponzi-Economy by Laurie Macfarlane
2. The Anti-Fracking movement and the struggle for land sovereignty by Ellen Young
3. How second homes are damaging communities by Jen Stout
4. Four legs good, two legs bad: Rewilding and land reform by Charlotte Wrigley
5. Land reform myths debunked by Charlotte Wrigley
6. The struggles of tenant farmers: Land, leases and the right to buy
7. Interview with Living Rent Campaign
8. The Granton Mirage by Keith Brame
9. A new post-capitalist commons? by Penny Cole
10. Who owns Scotland and how they plan to keep it by Lee Bunce
11. The Indignados Come to City Hall: Anti-Austerity Politics and the Fight for the Future of the City by Peter Hayakawa
12. Making the most of Scotland’s woodlands by Philip Johnstone
13. Land Reform: A lesson from history by Giulia Sagliardi
14. Interview with Andy Wightman